Team Building

If you’re leading a group that you’d like to build into a team… our team-building methods are the answer. If your team has lost their cohesion, their connectedness, their drive… it’s the perfect time to lean on the energizing and motivating team-building strategies that eNthusaProve will bring to your team.


eNthusaProve Team Building

Why Team Building?

Our specialty is the adaptive application of knowledge sharing, roles and responsibility matrices, social network analysis, strategy development and, of course, shared vision building. We believe in the power of teams.  From both our core values and our experience, we believe:

  • Team building does not happen just by working together.  (Riding on the same bus doesn’t make you a team.)
  • Groups can do great things, but teams tend to outperform groups.
  • Teamwork is not a replacement for competence, capability or capacity
  • Teamwork will enable your leadership to create joy in work.
  • Team building is its own effort; it won’t just happen by reorganizing or renaming.
  • That effort requires some heavy lifting, not just a slogan, but  a shared vision built with shared experience and shared expectations.
  • Key difference between Groups and Teams:  Team Members act for the team.   Group members act for their portion of the desired outcome.

Why Choose eNthusaProve?

Our clients rely on our innovative techniques tailored to their specific needs and culture, yet with a special mix of creativity to help awaken new paradigms and excite new expectations.

  • 10+ years of Team Building and Organizational Development… corporate teams, inter-organizational teams, government teams, sports teams, church groups and non-profits.
  • Expert application of Myers Briggs Type Indicator.
  • Designing and leading customized interventions on team learning, and trust building
  • Proven ability to work past the anecdotal to surface real concerns and issues

If you have a team building challenge, talk with us.

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