A New Arrival

Joyful News - Andrew Amanda NathanOn November 17th, Amanda and her husband Nathan, welcomed another baby boy into the world. He has been happily greeted by his two brothers and all are doing well.  Leading three rambunctious boys will have Amanda and Nathan digging deep into leadership techniques for years to come, so we are looking forward to Amanda’s leadership insights when she returns to blogging in the New Year.


Our Next “Baby”… another Book!

Also, we are preparing for the next “birth” for eNthusaProve.  Paul is busy putting the final edits into his next book for enabling joy and engaging excellence for project team leaders…stay tuned. If you want to be included in a limited number of free preview copies we will be making available, signup here!

Lead the Ideal Project - Free Preview Copy

In the meantime, we will be making sure that this baby is enabled for joy. (for those who have read Enabling Joy, you’ll remember that my metaphor for enabling joy is a sketch of a mother changing a diaper!)

Joyful News - Andrew

Other Leadership Insights for You:

Don't Let Anyone Take that from you   How to Make Fewer Decisions    How Joy Changes You

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