Take A Listen: Paul Armstrong Featured On the Small Business/Big Growth Podcast

We love what we do at eNthusaProve.

It is truly a passion of ours to help leaders enable joy at work and among their project teams. It is so exciting to be able to share these principles with others and that is what our very own Paul Armstrong had the opportunity to do on the Small Business Big Growth Podcast earlier this month.

Paul sat down with Sam Beiler, host of SBBG Podcast to do what he does best… deliver his message of enabling joy at work.

Top Podcast Takeaways:

  • How to lead with joy so your team will aspire to exceed goals
  • How other people will buy into your dreams through your leadership
  • Being humble yet confident in the pursuit of excellence

In his amazing storytelling way, Paul leads you through what’s guided him in his pursuit to effect change in the workplace by replacing traditional “management” strategies with human-centered joy.

Don’t let the word “Joy” sound too cliche or daunting to you. You’ll see everyone is capable of it if you are willing to see that there is a different way to lead and you’re interested in learning how to adapt your mindset… starting with how you lead the team members you depend on to get the job done.

To learn more about eNthusaProve, including how to feature Paul on your podcast or have him speak at your next function or conference, contact us info@enthusaprove.com.

To learn more about the Small Business Big Growth Podcast contact Sam Beiler at sam@boostpoint.com.

We were busy during quarantine and really had time to focus and recenter and hope you found positives during the time as well. Check out our YouTube channel to enjoy some quick tips that we know are applicable as we navigate our “new normal” and hope you’ll find them helpful and endlessly entertaining as well! eNthusaProve’s YouTube Channel.

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